Online Yoga Teacher Training
- learn yoga from anywhere anytime
- Best experienced yoga teachers from India.
- Transform your life with yoga
- Learn yoga the right way with authentic yoga teachers.
- Certify yourself as a yoga teacher from home at your comfort.
- Our courses are registered with Yoga alliance –
200 hour Online Multi Style yoga teacher training Hatha/Vinyasa
300 Hour Online Yoga ttc – Hatha Vinyasa Ashtanga
Online yoga certification
This 200 hour/300 hour online yoga teacher training provides a solid foundation to teach yoga, inspire others and deepen your own personal practice.
What are we teaching ?
The focus of this yoga teacher training is to provide students with applied knowledge of anatomy, alignment and assists with a deep focus on yoga philosophy.
How will it help you?
This yoga course will help you to bring out your creativity, to find your voice and to give you the confidence to teach, educate and inspire students from a powerful yoga foundation.
Who should do it ?
This yoga training is appropriate for the serious student who would like to start teaching yoga, as well as the student who would like to deepen their own knowledge & personal practice.
What will you get doing the training ?
You will come away with a deeper understanding of the physical and spiritual side of yoga that combines together to create an exceptional yoga teacher.
Who all can do it ?
Our yoga courses are designed for all who want to learn and pursue yoga and is accessible for all yoga enthusiast from Homemakers, working professionals, artists, dancers of all ages, even if it’s just for your own understanding or making it your personal practice not necessarily to become a yoga teacher
Live yoga training (Not Recorded)
What’s Included
Yoga practice (Live class with the Teacher – Hatha Yoga, Vinyasa flow and Ashtanga)
Yoga philosophy (live lectures with the teacher)
Yoga Anatomy (Live)
Teaching methodology and techniques Live – how to do the posture/instructing/breathing/cues/modifications
Pranayama (yogic breathing)
Printable pdf yoga manual (which will be sent through e-mail)
If you feel you are not ready for the exam it can be flexible we can provide you with more time to prepare and then take up your exams online
On completion of the training the certificate will be sent through e-mail
A day before the course starts we will have an introduction with the teachers and the other participants so that we can get familiar with each other and to know about the course also to get the technical stuff
To complete the training you will have to teach 30 min online and online written exam
Online Yoga Teacher Training course includes the study and practices of
· Yoga philosophy
Introduction to Ayurveda
The 5 Great Elements
· Anatomy and physiology
· Hatha yoga
· Vinyasa flow
· Pranayama & Meditation
· Chakras & Mudras
· Kriyas
· Alignment and Adjustment
· Teaching methodology
· Art of teaching
· Yoga techniques
· Lifestyle and ethics
Online YTT Course Dates
1sr May 2025 to 25th May 2025
2nd June 2025 to 26th June 2025
1st July 2025 to 25th July 2025
Please Fill up the form below to get in touch with us to know more details
Schedule for the Online Yoga Teacher Training
4:00 hrs day for 3 and half weeks
Europe Time/London Time one hour Early
6:45 AM – 8 AM – Yoga Practice/Pranayama/Meditation
8:30 AM – Breakfast Break Relax
9:30 AM to 10:30 AM – Yoga Philosophy/
10:45 AM to 12pm – Teaching Methodology 1hr to 1.25 hr
12:15 PM to 1 PM – Yoga Philosophy/ Anatomy 45 Min
For Exams
Will have a written exam + 30 min teaching a class
To complete the course
On completion will provide yoga alliance RYT 200/300 certificate
Fees can be paid in 2 Instalments
Theme of the online yoga training
- What is yoga and its philosophy
- Different paths of yoga,
- Fluctuations of the mind
- Understanding different body types through Ayurveda and yoga anatomy
- How yoga could be applied in our daily lives not just practicing yoga but applying it living life at its best more by being present
Philosophy content
- Meaning of yoga, concepts, history.
- Pancha koshas and Pancha pranas
- Four paths of yoga (Jnana, Raja, Bhakti, Karma Yoga)
- Hatha yoga, Nadis (energy channels), Chakras, kundalini.
- Vedas and six systems of Indian philosophy.
- Ashtanga yoga (Raja Yoga): Yoga sutras, aim of yoga, modification of mind, mental disposition, different levels of preparation, five afflictions of mind, Eight limbs of yoga.
- Obstacles on the path of yoga, physical and mental disturbances caused by an un-concentrated mind, means to overcome obstacles, methods to control the modifications of mind.
- Life style and ethics for a yoga practitioner and teacher.
- Includes both human physical anatomy and physiology (bodily systems, organs, etc.) and energy anatomy and physiology (Chakras, Nadis, etc.). Includes both the study of the subject and application of its principles to yoga practice (benefits, contraindications, healthy movement patterns, etc).
- Practical anatomy with a major emphasis on muscular and skeletal structures and in depth study of anatomical and skeletal differences i.e. compression, tension, and proportion and orientation theory.
- Introduction and different body systems.
- Skeletal system, muscular system, connective tissue, nervous system, major joints of the body.
- 8 major joints of the body and its importance.
- Breathing and respiratory system.
Hatha yoga
- We will go through each posture key alignments
- How to move into the posture and how to come out of it
- When to breathe in and breathe out of it
- Contra-indications benefits and also
- How to sequence the postures
- How to do adjustments in the postures.
- Sequence according to the need of their students or the class.
- Learning Sanskrit names of postures to both expand your knowledge and enhance your professional skills
Vinyasa flow
- Vinyasa flow, Flow Yoga.
- Principles of sequencing and teaching a Vinyasa Flow class.
- Transition from posture to posture with breath
Practice techniques of 100 postures which includes standing postures, seated, back bending, core, inverted, arm balances and restorative will go through each posture of different group individually to have clear knowledge Modifications, other variations and advance variation of all postures.
- Practical theory: Corrections, modifications and variations are taught with each posture to make your practice easy plus to offer variations when you teach.
Teaching practice (Monitored)
- Includes practice teaching, receiving feedback, observing others teaching, hearing and giving feedback. Also includes assisting students while someone else is teaching.
- Students get to teach every day from day one. You will teach at least 15 minutes every day.
- Regular feedback are given by teachers and fellow students about your teaching so that you can improve and find your unique voice and style as a teacher.
- You will learn to give hands on adjustment.
Teaching methodology and technique
- Principles of demonstration
- Observing, assisting and correcting
- Instruction, teaching styles, qualities of a teacher
- Voice Modulation, floor presence
- Sequencing and structuring a class
- Alignment and hands-on-adjustment
- Dealing with injuries and safety precautions
- Business aspects of teaching yoga
Pranayama (yogic breathing)
- Introduction, its aspects, pranic body, different types of prana, types of breathing, anatomy of breathing, Yogic breathing.
- Eight types of pranayama
- Nadi-Shodhana (Alternate Nostril Breathing)
- Sheetali & Sheethkari (Cooling Breath)
- Bhramari (Humming Bee Breath)
- Ujjayi (The Psychic or Victorious Breath)
- Bhastrika (Bellows Breath)
- Kapalbhati (Frontal Brain Cleansing Breath)
- Suryabheda (Vitality Stimulating Breath)
Bandhas (Energy locks)
- Introduction:
- JalandharaBandha throat lock
- MulaBandha root lock
- UddiyanaBandha abdominal lock
Business aspect of yoga
- Career as a teacher
- Setting up your own studio, school or business
- Marketing strategy, advertising and PR
- Ethics in yoga business
Building network with other yoga teachers, schools, studios and retreats
Professional and compact (online) yoga training. 200 hours. Yoga Alliance certified! I have just completed the training online and can recommend it to anyone who has been thinking about doing high-quality yoga training for a long time. When, if not now! My teacher is called Akhilesh and he is a very special teacher. You can tell that he really lives yoga; it flows through his DNA. This is exactly what I was looking for. Thanks for this time Akhi!
Professionelle und kompakte (online) Yoga Ausbildung. 200 Stunden. Yoga Alliance zertifiziert!
Ich habe die Ausbildung gerade online gemacht und kann sie jedem empfehlen, der/die/* schon länger mit dem Gedanken spielt eine hochwertige Yogaausbildung zu machen. Wann wenn nicht jetzt!
Mein Lehrer heißt Akhilesh und ist ein ganz besonderer Lehrer. Man merkt, dass er Yoga wirklich lebt; es fließt durch seine DNA. Genau danach habe ich gesucht.
Danke, für diese Zeit Akhi!

It was an amazing journey with a great teacher🙏🙏🙏
If you are looking for a professional and high quality online yoga training, you will find it here. 200 hours of practice and theory are taught by a highly qualified yoga teacher named Ahki. An incredibly intense time that no one who is interested should miss. I am very happy and also a little proud to have made this trip. Thanks for everything Ahki
Wer eine professionelle und hochwertige Online Yoga Ausbildung sucht wird hier fündig. 200 Stunden Praxis und Theorie werden von einem äußerst qualifiziertem Yogalehrer namens Ahki unterrichtet. Eine unglaublich intensive Zeit, die sich niemand, der Interesse hat, entgehen lassen sollte. Ich bin sehr glücklich und auch ein bisschen stolz, diese Reise gemacht zu haben. Danke für alles Ahki