200 Hour Yoga

200 hour Yoga Teacher Training Goa

200 hour Yoga Teacher Training Goa, We are Yoga Alliance Registered Yoga School in Goa Agonda. Our 200 hour yoga TTC in Goa will cover various topics of yoga like

Yoga Philosophy, Ayurveda, 5 Elements, 3 Gunas, Pancha Koshas, Chakras, Yoga Anatomy, Teaching Methodology, Alignments and Modification Adjustments, Hatha Yoga, Vinyasa flow, Yin Yoga, Ashtanga Yoga Vinyasa, Yoga Nidra & Yoga sutras of Patanjali.

Our Main Focus of the 200hr yoga TTC will be based on Hatha Yoga and Vinyasa Flow/Power Yoga 

Our experienced yoga teachers are dedicated practitioners who have been practicing and teaching yoga for more than 16+ years who can guide and train you with all the info and experience they have so you can have have in depth knowledge of both philosophy and practice to become a successful Yoga teacher and can apply the yogic knowledge in our daily lives to transform as an Individual

Our 200 hour yoga teacher training course in Goa Agonda will provide

A solid foundation to teach yoga, inspire others and deepen your own personal practice.

What are we teaching?

The focus of this yoga teacher training course is to provide students with applied knowledge of anatomy, alignment and assists with a deep focus on yoga philosophy.

How will it help you ?

This yoga ttc course will help you to bring out your creativity, to find your voice and to give you the confidence to teach, educate and inspire students from a powerful yoga foundation.

Whom this is for ?

This yoga teacher training is appropriate for the serious student who would like to start teaching yoga, as well as the student who would like to deepen their own knowledge & personal practice.

What will you get doing the 200 hour yoga teacher training ?

You will come away with a deeper understanding of the physical and spiritual side of yoga that combines together to create an exceptional yoga teacher & RYT 200 Yoga Alliance Certificate accepted all over the world

Who all can do it ?

Our 200 hour yoga course in goa is designed for all who want to learn and pursue yoga and is accessible for all yoga enthusiast from Homemakers, working professionals, artists, dancers of all ages, even if it’s just for your own understanding or making it your personal practice not necessarily to become a yoga teacher

YTT in Goa
Yoga Teacher Training in Goa
200 Hour Yoga Course Goa Agonda
yoga ttc in goa

200 hour Yoga teacher training Goa, India 2024 – 2025

Course DatesAdmission Status
1st Oct 2024 – 25th Oct 2024Open / Apply
26th Oct 2024 – 19th Nov 2024Open / Apply
20th Nov 2024 – 14th Dec 2024Open / Apply
15th Dec 2024 – 8th Jan 2025Open / Apply
9th Jan 2025 – 2nd Feb 2025Open / Apply
3rd Feb 2025 – 27th Feb 2025Open / Apply
28th Feb 2025 – 24th Mar 2025Open / Apply
25th Mar 2025 – 18th Apr 2025Open / Apply

200 hour Yoga TTC Daily Schedule in Goa

   Monday to Saturday / Saturday’s – Half day 


06:30 AM – 08:30 AMHatha Yoga & Pranayama, Mediation
08:30 AM – 09:30 AMBreakfast
10:00 AM – 11:15 AMChanting followed with Yoga Philosophy
11:30 AM – 01:00 PMPractical theory analysing different postures key Alignments Adjustments Teaching practice
01:00 PM – 03:30 PMLunch rest
03:30 PM – 04:25 PMAnatomy and Physiology/Yoga Nidra
04:45 PM – 06:15 PMVinyasa/ Wednesday – Yin Yoga 
06:45 PM – 7:30 PMTratak/Yoga Documentary 
07:30 PMDinner   

Philosophy content

  • Meaning of yoga, upanishad concepts, history
  • Ayurveda – The 5 great elements
  • The 3 Gunas
  • Pancha Pranas
  • Pancha koshas – The 5 layers of the body
  • Four paths of yoga ( Jnana, Raja, Bhakti, Karma Yoga)
  • Hatha yoga its philosophy and Importance in Yoga
  • Nadis (energy channels)
  • 7 Chakras – its Nature and how to balance them with Yoga Asana, Pranayama and Ayurveda
  • Patanjali Yoga Sutras
  • Ashtanga yoga – Raja Yoga
  • Aim of yoga
  • Eight limbs of yoga
  • Obstacles on the path of yoga
  • Physical and mental disturbances caused by an un-concentrated mind, how to overcome obstacles,
  • Methods to control the modifications of mind.
  • Life style and ethics for a yoga practitioner and teacher.
  • How yoga could be applied in our daily lives not just practicing yoga but applying it living life at its best more by being present


  • Includes human physical anatomy and physiology
  • Includes both the study of the subject and application of its principles to yoga practice (benefits, contraindications, healthy movement patterns, etc).
  • Practical anatomy with a major emphasis on Muscular and Skeletal structures and in depth study of anatomical and skeletal differences i.e. Compression, Tension, and Proportion and Orientation theory. Which helps one to know the range of movements one has with each joint of the body
  • Introduction and different body systems.
  • Skeletal system, muscular system, connective tissue, nervous system, major joints of the body.
  • 8 major joints of the body and its importance.
  • Breathing and respiratory system.

Hatha yoga 

  • Hatha yoga is one of the ancient style of yoga through which all other styles have emerged, we will go through – Its a great way to start learning yoga asanas as it helps one to know the correct Alignment of the posture, when to breathe in and Breathe out, sequencing the poses for ones practice or to teach others safely
  • What is Hatha Yoga
  • Each posture key alignments
  • How to move into the posture and how to come out of it
  • When to breathe in and breathe out of it
  • Contra-indications benefits and also
  • How to sequence the postures
  • How to use props and to do adjustments in the postures
  • Learn Sanskrit names of postures to both expand your knowledge and enhance your professional skills


Vinyasa flow/Power Yoga

Vinyasa flow is a modern style, most popular, dynamic style of yoga which involves moving from posture to posture in a flow which is great to work on different group of muscles for toning up our body, for loosing weight, Increases One’s Strength, Stamina and Endurance it involves lot of sweat and can be intense

  • How to make Sequences for Vinyasa Flow class,
  • How to Instruct and Demonstrate a flow class
  • Learn Transition from posture to posture with breathing
  • Learn how to Sequence according to the need of the students or different levels of classes

Ashtanga yoga – Mysore Style of Yoga – Practiced once a week 

  • Introductions and history
  • The elements of Ashtanga yoga:
  • Meaning of Vinyasa – breath synchronised with movement
  • Ujjayi Breathe – victorious breathing
  • What are Bandhas, How to use them in the practice
  • Learn the Benefits of Ashtanga Vinyasa
  • Primary series – Sun salutations, Standing series, Seated series, finishing sequence

Our Location

Yin Yoga – Practiced Once a week On Wednesday Evenings Followed with Yoga Nidra 

  • Introduction to Yin yoga
  • Why we do yin yoga
  • Theory of yin/yang


  • Practice techniques of 100 postures which includes
  • Standing postures
  • Seated Postures
  • Back bending Postures
  • Arm Balancing Postures
  • Inverted Postures

We will Learn each posture of different group individually to have

  • Clear knowledge of each Asana,
  • Learn Modifications and Variations of the Asana with each posture to make your practice easy plus to offer variations when you teach.

Teaching Practice

  • Includes practice teaching, receiving feedback, observing others teaching, hearing and giving feedback. Also includes assisting students while someone else is teaching.
  • Students get to teach every day from day one. You will teach at least  15 – minutes everyday.
  • For the Exam you will be teaching 35 to 40 Min to your fellow students of the training
  • Regular feedback are given by teachers and fellow students about your teaching so that you can improve and find your unique voice and style as a teacher.
  • learn how to assist and adjust when you teach

Teaching methodology and technique

  • Learn when and how to demonstrate the Asanas when you teach
  • Lern the Art of Observing, assisting and correcting
  • Learning how to use Instruction to have a good flow when you teach
  • Teaching different Styles of Yoga, Qualities of a Good Teacher
  • Voice Modulation, learn how to feel confident as a yoga teacher in the class/studio
  • learn How to Sequence and structuring a class
  • Alignment and hands-on-adjustment
  • Dealing with injuries and safety precautions
  • Business aspects of teaching yoga

Pranayama – Breathing techniques

  • Introduction on Prana
  • Pranic body
  • Different types of prana
  • Anatomy of breathing
  • Abdominal Breath
  • Chest and clavicle Breathing
  • Types of pranayama
  • Nadi-Shodhana (Alternate Nostril Breathing)
  • Sheetali & Sheethkari (Cooling Breath)
  • Bhramari (Humming Bee Breath)
  • Ujjayi (The Victorious Breath)
  • Bhastrika (Bellows Breath)
  • Kapalbhati (Frontal Brain Cleansing Breath)

Bandhas (Energy locks)

  • Introduction on Bandhas
  • Jalandhara Bandha – Throat lock
  • Mula Bandha – Root lock
  • Uddiyana Bandha – Abdominal lock
  • Maha Bandha – The great lock

Kriya – Yogic cleansing techniques

  • Jala Neti Nasal cleansing.

Business aspect of yoga

  • Career as a teacher
  • Setting up your own studio, school or business
  • Marketing strategy, advertising and PR
  • Ethics in yoga business
  • Building network with other yoga teachers, schools , studios and retreats

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Yoga Teacher Training Goa Agonda
Our Packages for 200 hrs yoga teacher training in Goa
Explore our packages and choose the best suited for you
Option 1 Shared Apartment Room
Apartment Room
Shared Room Non AC
€ 1250
Early bird € 100 discount if paid 45 days early
Course fee
Course manual
3 Veg meals / Day (Sunday excluded) No Dinner on Saturdays
Airport Pick up from Dabolim Goa Airport
Option 2 Private Apartment Room Non AC
Apartment Room
Private Room Non AC
€ 1550
Early bird € 100 discount if paid 45 days early
Course fee
Course manual
3 Veg meals / Day (Sunday excluded) No Dinner on Saturdays
Airport Pick up from Dabolim Goa Airport
Option 3 Private Apartment Room with AC
Apartment Room
Private Room With AC
€ 1750
Early bird € 100 discount if paid 45 days early
Course fee
Course manual
3 Veg meals / Day (Sunday excluded) No Dinner on Saturdays
Airport Pick up from Dabolim Goa Airport
Option 4 Private Huts with AC
Cottage Huts
Private Hut with AC
€ 2000
Early bird € 100 discount if paid 45 days early
Course fee
Course manual
3 Veg meals / Day (Sunday excluded) No Dinner on Saturdays
Airport Pick up from Dabolim Goa Airport
Option 5 Without Accommodation
Without Accommodation
€ 1200
Early bird € 100 discount if paid 45 days early
Course fee
Course manual
3 Veg meals / Day (Sunday excluded) No Dinner on Saturdays
Airport Pick up from Dabolim Goa Airport

How to apply and book 200 hour YTTC in Goa Agonda

How to apply: To apply for the any of our Yoga Teacher Training Courses in Goa Agonda

  • Please fill up the online application form. We will process your application within one day and let you know if you are accepted on the course.
  • If you are accepted on the Teacher Training Course we will email you a confirmation. You will be required to deposit a booking amount of € 300 Euros as soon as possible to confirm your place. Your place on the course will be confirmed only when we have received this booking amount

How to pay the booking amount: Once you confirm that you want to go ahead with booking your place we will send you PayPal request of €300.You will receive PayPal email intimation from us with detailed instructions regarding how to pay. Once you have received this, you will be able to pay the booking amount online using your credit card or bank account. Balance course fee should be paid upon arrival to the school.

Cancellation policy : The course fee including the deposit of 300 Euros is strictly non-refundable, non-cancellable and non-transferable. If you need to cancel the course due to unavoidable reasons the booking amount can be adjusted/used in any future course you do with us within one year from the date of booking. To reschedule your course you must inform us at least two weeks before your course start date otherwise you may lose your booking amount fee entirely.

  • EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT: 100 Euros early bird discount if booked 45 days early to course in advance.

Arrival & Departure

  • CHECK IN:  2.00 pm Afternoon onwards one day before your course start date.
  • CHECK OUT: On or before 10.00 am Morning on the day of your course end date.


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