Blackberries and Blueberries are a boon for healthy reproductive system, Its useful for many other reasons like weight loss, gout, arthritis, diabetes, constipation, hypertension, kidney stones and relieving delivery pain of childbirth
11 reasons to have them when its available fresh
- Unripe berries control excess of urination
- Promotes weight loss
- Improves sexual vitality
- Its tonic for the liver
- Blackberries build blood and good for dysentery, diarrhoea
- Goitre, cholera haemorrhoids and insect bites and stings
- Its bark is good for external inflammations
- Its seeds help in reducing sugar and diabetes
- Relieves thirst
- Its leaf is good for miscarriage and morning sickness nausea
- Good for bleeding gums and menstruation
10 to 20 raspberries eaten n empty stomach for 2 to 3 times daily relieves menstrual pain
It regulates sugar metabolism and reduce fevers and keeps bladder urinary tract disorders
Eating more than 2 handfuls of raspberries at a time may cause vomiting. Taken with dairy products can cause haemorrhoids, skin diseases and ulcers
Sweet, sour, astringent
Reduces Pitta and Kapha
Increases Vata