Nuts are nutritive strengthening and rejuvenating
- Its best source of protein and fat from vegetable source.
- It increases fat, marrow, nerve and reproductive tissue, ojas, build blood and muscles, strengthen memory and creativity
- Its sattwic helps yoga and meditation.
- Seeds similar yet lighter, less nourishing, easier to digest, Increases Vata
- Chewed well not takes in excess drinks – nut milk is best.
- Fermented nut drinks easier to digest – use with fresh ginger salt – better for vata.
- Jaggery, dates, raisins can be used as Raw sugar.
- Its tonic can help for recovery and weakness
- Roasted takes out the oil from it not good for vata, as it increases.
- Best without roasted better for Pitta and kapha
Note – Nut butter are oily and used in small doses
Season – Properties are stored well. Best taken in fall and winter – Oiliness, Increases Kapha in spring, Pitta in summer
Combination – Do not combine well with beans or starchy vegetables like potatoes,
They combine well with diary, most fruit, grain, sugar though heavier and hard digest
Antidote – Milk spices like ginger or cardamom
Taste – Sweet, warm / Decrease vata / Increase Pitta and Kapha