
10 Amazing reasons to eat Mango

Mango is the king of the fruit which has a lot of benefits and best to have when its seasonal and ripe

  1. Good for nervousness weak digestion and constipation
  2. Increases strength vitality
  3. Good for skin increases semen
  4. High in vitamin c
  5. Good for pregnancy and improves lactation
  6. Drink a glass of warm milk with ghee one hour after eating a ripe mango promotes energy and vitality – unripe promotes digestion
  7. Its pulp is good for diabetes, blood pressure
  8. Its pickle is good for colds
  9. Mango powder is good for vaginal discharge
  10. As chutney they are eaten with meals improves digestion and enhancing the foods flavor

Taste –

yellow – ripe mango – sweet, hot, sweet – decreases vata and pitta and increases kapha

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