
Tips to balance your Pitta Dosha

Tips to balance your Pitta Dosha

Characteristics of Pitta

Pitta Dosha is combination of Fire and water, the pitta type are intelligent and ambitious. They are born leaders and try to be perfectionists, love challenges and have athletic body type

it controls our metabolism, transformation, maintains proper body temperature and complexion, gives color and softness to the skin, Digestion etc

It is seated in small intestines, stomach, blood, eyes, skin and sweat glands

When Pitta is in balance

Powerful, Warm, Athletic, Promotes good digestion, gives good glow on the skin, leadership qualities etc

When Pitta is out of balance

Angry, Perfectionist, Acidity, Indigestion, Heart burn, Diarrhea, rashes, Acne etc

Pitta Dominated prakriti or nature tends to have average body frame

They are very sharp, intelligent and have a good memory power

They eat and drink a lot and often feel thirsty

They are naturally flexible with their body

To balance

Meditate regularly

Sleep at-least 7hours

Avoid excessive heat and excessive oil

Avoid excessive steam

Limit salt intake

Eat cooling, non-spicy foods

Drink cool (but not iced) drinks

Exercise during the cooler part of the day

Practice hatha yoga and cooling pranayama

Avoid being in the sun for long especially when the sun is just over the head

Food that should be avoided to reduce pitta

Pungent, sour, salty

Eat food when it is at body temperature

Fruits – Sour fruits like grapefruit, lemon

Vegetables – garlic, onions, radish

Oils – almond oil, corn oil,

Foods that are favorable for Pitta

Fruits – Bananas, figs, pomegrantes, cherries, mango, melons, best to be taken during the day one hour before meals

Vegetables – Green leafy vegetables, green beans, broccoli, cucumber, potatoes, cabbage, mushrooms

Drink enough water to pacify the thirst

Pitta is one of the dosha which is a combination of Fire + Water, Here are some food tips to balance during Summer/spring & Winter/Fall

Waking up – During summer – Herb tea – shatavari, turmeric, fennel with ghee, cane sugar

During Winter – Hot milk, with ghee, turmeric

Breakfast – During Summer –  Puffed rice or wheat with ghee, corriander, coconut milk

During Winter – cream of wheat or barley with ghee, corriander and soy milk

Snack – During Summer – Sweet or bitter fruit

During Winter – apple or pear

Lunch – During summer – White basmati rice, split yellow mung dal, ghee, broccoli, corriander, lassi, salad

During winter – same add whole wheat chapatis

Snack – During summer – sunflower seeds, fennel, lemon grass tea

During winter – milk burfi, mint tea

Dinner – During summer – Artichoke pasta, ghee, cauliflower, cilantro, lassi

During winter – barley/garbanzo soup, ghee, cabbage, lassi, cardamom

Snack – During summer – coconut macaroon

During winter – pumpkin pie, herb tea

If you don’t know your dosha yet, take a dosha test here


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